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For Musicians to check out what we do!-Thanks!!

Shithole Nation Cover.png

This is the first single from our upcoming album "Shithole Nation" to be released on:

Guardians of Guitar/Mi5/records and distributed by Universal Music.


Parliments of Conquerors
Ricky Ricardo

What's on this page?

A collection of tracks from our catalog. Some links to films and web series we have scored and some other tidbits of profound joy!

I have included full length versions of the tracks in case you've enjoyed them, and because like good films, they develop through time.

The Green Boxes are music tracks, the underlined titles are links to films and the movie player is well....a movie player.

I was also told that brevity is a good thing for this kind of page, so I have kept the chatter at a minimum. ( BTW-Headphones are best!) Contact info is below.

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Family Life

These are tracks from our last years album "Cinema Patetique". A collection of some of our film scores.

What do we do?

We are often tossed into the cinematic sound section of these streaming services because they do not know where to place us. But in general we write dark, sometimes quirky things that are a composite of electronics, live performance and some sound design elements.

We like being dramatic and  Groovy.

American Hobo

More films and web stuff we've done over the course of time.

This channel is coming soon!
This channel is coming soon!
Real American Spring Cover.jpg
The Black Waltz

Some More Catalog Stuff.

Gehaltz Sklaven
Playland at the Beach
Psalm 70
In the Desert

One Last thought before you go.... because we should never take things too seriously...

Igor's Boogie-A fantasia on the Rite of Spring

Igor's Boogie-1st Movement
Igor's Boogie-2nd Movement

Contact Information

Thank you for spending your extremely valuable time with me. Please feel free to rummage through the rest of the site.



The Reverend LordRifa-budz

I can be reached at:

City of Dis/Potrero Post Studios-

350 Townsend Street, Suite 136

San Francisco, Ca 94107


All music except Igor's Boogie City of Dis/Tinoid Tunes

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