America is exploding with a fever of change. Not only must leadership change,but also at understanding it's cultural roots. just in it's leadership. Our current culture came at the expense of millions of lives over America's history. These angers and generational hatreds have come to a head in our time and have tormented us with these clowns in office.
Shithole Nation pulls back the curtain to reveal the ugly truth about America.
LordRifa...a Multicultural, multigenerational creative experience living in an age of musical conformity. LordRifa draws from it's diverse roots to create a blend of many genre's that call New Americana.
ALBUM-Shithole Nation
LABEL-City of Dis
GENRE-New Americana
PRODUCED BY-The Reverend LordRifa and Robert Preston
Blood on the Water
Parliaments of Conquerors
Shithole Nation
Emotional Greed
The New Americana genre is the only true music space that represents what America is actually today. Multicultural, Multiracial, Multigenerational and free of gender restrictions.
Our music has roots in blues, funk, world music, progressive, hip hop, classical and rock. It is about social justice as much as it is about love.
Our music is about protest and awareness as much as it is about nasty funky beats. It is contagiously danceable!
An award winning film composition ensemble LordRifa breaks the rules of what is normal in this world.
What is New Americana and why do I care?
LordRifa represents America in our times. It steals from the past, plunders the future and documents our times.
What our Reverbnation fans think...
*I liked the old-school feel to this song. The beat was fresh and very energetic. The
synthetic instruments were well done! The singer also had an amazing and strong
*Dope funky lines. Feels like Stevie Wonder in the 70s. Tight. Production is full and
round. Loving the dance vibes. Catchy AF.
*I have enjoyed listening to this funk song. This is a worldly song that is very unique
and straight to the point. A great song!
*I love the intro - the way the bouncing electronic sound fades into the funky beat. It
makes me dance in my seat about. I love her voice - shes' got great tone and the
vocals are perfect or the funky feel of the song. The softer, more breathy high notes
of the chorus are such a great balance to her more gritty tone in the verses.
*This was an amazing song. This song has a bit of everything that is great. The lyrics
are great, the singer's voice is great and the beat is great. It's very catchy and the
instrumental parts are awesome
*Good, mesmerizing it feels and create a goof mood it changes the mood of the
people and make the listener hear eagerly and the lyrics are awesome.
*I like how the guitar gives the song a funky sounding riff melody. I love how the
singer's voice dazzles the overall listening experience also.
*Lovely song, I love the instrumental of this song, the lyrics flows well with the beat. I
love the name of the artist and the song title.